Monday, November 9, 2009

Frosh Camp makes it a great day to be alive!

For those of you who read the title of this post, probably thought…what a loser! Haha! Well, let me just share with you my passion and admiration for this wonderful and welcoming program at the great U of M! First of all, I was not excited to attend the U of M, but I attended something called Frosh Camp. Frosh camp, you say? Well, what’s that? What’s a frosh and why the heck do you have to go with all of these overly excited counselors with too much school spirit? Because all of these counselors love their university!!! Why? Because most of the counselors attended frosh camp as well. Now, let me just share with you what I took from frosh camp. It was an inspiring four days that really got me excited about being a Memphis Tiger. Okay, so how many universities in this country care so much about their freshman and future leadership of their campus that they create a camp for them!?! Not many. In fact, I am almost positive that the University of Memphis is the only university that welcomes their freshmen with so much respect and enthusiasm. As a camper, watching and listening to these counselors inspired me! Their school spirit was contagious. I mean, why not make the best of your college experience? I was determined to after I left frosh camp. The counselors encouraged me to get involved and give back to the u of m! Now I know that sounds weird to give back to you university, but it really means a lot. We have all of these wonderful organizations on campus and the only way they are active is because of us, the students! I was honored when I was selected as a counselor and able to go back to dear Camp NaCome! It meant so much to me to share my experiences as a frosh camper and freshmen at the U of M. College is intimidating; at least it was to me. However, having upper classmen welcome me in and letting me know that the next few years were going to be the best by far; really made me realize that I was meant to be a Memphis tiger. I felt like I definitely have a family at the U of M. Frosh camp is about sharing your love for the U of M, so that the future of our campus will take over with pride like we have. So, that’s just a little taste about why Frosh Camp, for me, makes it “A Great Day to Be Alive!”

Word count: 429

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